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Consultation on proposed IFC/MIGA Approach to Remedial Action; Input from Finance for Peace initiative

The Finance for Peace initiative was invited to provide feedback on the proposed International Finance Corporation (IFC)/ Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Approach to Remedial Action and the draft IFC responsible exit principles (see more information here). The Finance for Peace feedback is based on our extensive mapping and analysis of existing international investment standards and principles, including the IFC and MIGA Environmental & Social (E&S) Performance Standards. This work has been carried out as part of the Finance for Peace initiative’s efforts to develop a framework and new set of standards to guide and validate peace and conflict-sensitive aligned investments. The Peace Finance Impact Framework (PFIF) has been developed through a multistakeholder process with stakeholders and describes principles, guidance and Peace Finance Standards that investors can follow to guide, validate, label and certify their investments to have intentional, rigorous and demonstrably positive peace impacts.

© Finance for Peace 2023