World Economic Forum, US Government and IFC partnerships event: “Scaling investments in Northern Kenya”
As part of our ongoing engagement with the World Economic Forum and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Finance for Peace participated in the event “Scaling investments in Northern Kenya” in June in Nairobi, Kenya. On the first day, Finance for Peace’s Head of Partnerships Dr Bettina Boekle presented on the value-add of building the core expertise of peacebuilding into investment decisions from early on in the investment cycle. Notably, Interpeace was the only peacebuilding organisation participating in the gathering, alongside bilateral and multilateral donors and local investors and capital providers.

On the second day of the event, Interpeace’s Kenya Country Representative, Hassan Ismail laid out the main findings of Interpeace’s conflict sensitivity mapping in Northern Kenya and how it could make investment decisions more risk-prepared. As a proposed next step, Finance for Peace will be contributing to guiding principles on minimum concessionality and conflict sensitivity in Northern Kenya, to be worked on by the WEF, in agreement with the IFC.